Service Manager is a ITIL v3 compliant
solution which provide modules to manage
IT services in enterprise. Service manager
help to automatically manage IT processes
from service support to service delivery.
Service Manager use IT lifecycle approach
to manage IT services, help to optimize
process to fulftll enterprise’s needs.
Standard IT processes like: Service Desk,
Incident Management, Problem Management,
Change Manageent, Conftguration
Management, Service Level Management
will be manage in each Service Manager
(Service Manager modules)Module Service Desk provide standard processes to manage service supports interaction, help to improve quality of
incident analysis and accuration of support informations.
(Module Service Desk)
Self-ServiceTicketing is an interface for end-user to submit request on web anytime at anywhere. Self-service ticketing
provide a central support interface to submit request and also track their interactions. This module will help to increase
quality of service and sastifaction of end users.
(Module Self-Service Ticketing)
Incident Management Module help to mitigate
risks when incident occur, analyse informations and
provide proper solutions for incidents.
(Dashboard tổng quát phân hệ quản lý sự cố)
Problem Management Module help IT managers
reduce time to resolve problem by prevent problem to
recur. IT managers can look for existing incidents then
decide to implement necessary changes to solve that problem.
Any problem occur in the system can be automatically
share resolution to help other IT operators can easily search
for solutions..
(Quy trình xử lý vấn đề trên hệ thống HP Service Manager)
Knowledge Management Module is a module
used for indexing and searching knowledge base. It will
help Service Desk agents, IT operators can effectively find
out solutions in knowledge base. This module is integrated
with existing Service Desk, Incident, Known Error data help
user can easily search for resolutions and analyse incidents,
known error occurred in the system.
(Module Knowledge Management)
Change Management Module based on standard
ITIL v3 change process help to manage changes, mitigate
risks in IT infrastructure effectively. Module Change
Management contain standard Out-of-box change phases
based on ITIL v3 such as Change Logging, Change Review,
Change Assement & Planning, Change Approval, Change
Implementation, Change Evaluation and Closure. Change
Management module can automate Change process in IT
system phase by phase.
(Module Change Management)
Request Management Module automatically
manage request of users from initiation to receipt, help to
update request change in order to optimize support
Service Level Management Module is designed to
help IT service to meet business needs and prove their
value to users. This module help to manage service level of
each process: service desk, incident, problem, change.
Module Service Level Management can help to reduce
operation cost of IT services
Improve quality of service by manage incidents, request information centrally help to reduce major incident in IT
infrastructure and business activities.
Optimize IT value for enterprise, improve operational eciency and service delivery .
Imporove IT application and business service quality .