HPT announced establishment of HPT Cyber Security Center - HSE

On 17 August 2018, at HPT Headquarters (connecting Hanoi branch), HPT announced establishment of HPT Cyber Security Center (HSE) and handed the decision of nomination to Mr. Nguyen Thanh Nam - Director of HSE. There were presence of Board of Directors, Managers and HSE staff.

In the meeting, represented Board of Directors, Mr. Dinh Ha Duy Linh – CEO - delivered speech the purpose and meaning of the establishment of HSE. According to this, HSE is developed and established from the Information Security Department (HCMC) and the Information Security Department (Hanoi), which belong to HPT System Integration Center in order to building and enhancing the competitive advantage of HPT in general and Information Security in particular, attracting many resources in the field of information security and creating an environment for information security professionals to have chance to affirm competence, building HPT brand in Information Security. He also shared that the development of Information Security does not mean that other areas of expertise are less important, but HSE needs to work closely with the resources and related units to continue developing HPT’s core values.

Mr. Dinh Ha Duy Linh - CEO - shared purpose and meaning of establishment

After the sharing of the Board of Leaders and the Board of Directors, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Nam – Director of HSE - presented an overview of the center's orientation, objectives and operational structure.

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Nam - Director of HSE
- presented an overview of the orientation, objectives and operational structure of the HSE

HSE’s orientation and objectives:

-       Become the leading MSSP in Vietnam, building brand identity in the field of providing information security services to customers.

-       Developing Professional Services to regional countries.

-       Developing software for Information Security (Software/ Security As-A-Service).

Members of HSE in HCM in the congratulations of the company

Then, Mr. Dinh Ha Duy Linh - representative of the Board of Directors had comments and assignments to HSE, specifically HSE needs:

· Developing of strengths

· Maintaining the spirit of solidarity and synergy to create comprehensive strength throughout the company

· Quick developing, organizational stability on the basis of good implementation of the objectives

· Maintaining professional ethics, humility

· Focusing on professional development

Representative of the Board of Leaders, Mr. Ngo Vi Dong - Chairman - shared the directions and orientations of the HSE, as following: Good, Moral and Commitment to achieve the goal to the end.

Mr. Ngo Vi Dong - Chairman
- stated the direction and orientation of HSE

Mr. Ngo Vi Dong - Chairman - handed the decision of establishment of HSE

Mr. Dinh Ha Duy Linh,
CEO, handed the decision of nomination to Mr. Nguyen Thanh Nam - Director of HSE  

Ms. Dinh Ha Duy Trinh - Vice Chairman - gave flowers to congratulate members of HSE

Board of leaders and the Board of Directors congratulates HSE

Board of leaders and the Board of Directors congratulates HSE at Hanoi Branch

Members of HSE_HCM